It includes creative advertising agencies and media planning agencies’ profitability-oriented efficiency audit consultancy services on behalf of the main company within the entire planning, preparation, execution and audit process of a marketing and advertising campaign.

It’s a project-based consultancy service that includes; building a bridge between the main company and the advertising agencies they’re going to work with during the creation of the campaign program, the audit of the intended interaction efficiency, regular reporting to the related company management and conducting confirmed revision studies.

The critical questions below can help you understand why this both independent and internal service is needed especially in Western countries. If the consumers are in a constant change like most advertising agencies claim… then why have their behaviors remained the same for a century according to the face-to-face sales books? How does the ‘human’ we see in the classical literature continue being studied and read even today? Why do the scientific research results about social psychology continue being referenced even after over a hundred years?

The changing phenomenon is the consumptions habits due to the technological developments and globalization. But the factors that cause or prevent the desire to purchase always remain the same by human nature. Therefore, the foundations of an advertising campaign should not be based on increasing the brand value only; it should be based on hot sales efficiency-oriented corporate branding and programmed in accordance with the Turquoise Marketing principles.

If we don’t examine these dynamics from the very beginning, apart from causing financial damage; the campaign results will also damage brand culture. During the advertising interaction process, a single and joint work is conducted which focuses on; media planning companies’ interaction audit, carrying out the pre-measures of the campaign for the advertising efficiencies (ad outgo/the increase in income), configuring advertisements in a way that they focus on interaction (profit) rather than communication and activating artistic marketing applications.

Besides, it also includes ‘internal’ services such as; the programming and coordination of the PR agencies, redesigning the website and product packages in accordance with the target program, gauging the interaction efficiency at the end of the campaign and re-planning the activities that would increase the brand value. At the end of a lot campaigns, it it seen that sometimes projects prepared by the agencies are consisted of works only focusing on increasing the brand awareness which is not something directly related to the sales. Most of the time, the hot sales effect is neglected even if involuntarily. But all companies should crosscheck their ideas with a preliminary research before they start their advertising campaigns.
It’s a very important process consultancy that includes; the preliminary research made in order to find out how effective the agencies’ projects can be in terms of sales, reporting, early warning system, solution comments and after-campaign evaluations.

The reports being presented to the customers are prepared and presented with similar ideas and experiences either within or outside of the country. All activities aim to affect hot sales directly and seemingly necessary adaptations are managed in accordance. The goal is to measure and evaluate its possible effects to the sales before broadcasting all kinds of advertising works that look promising in order to prevent unnecessary budget exceeding and direct these expenses to the major target instead.

Sometimes even though the agency team has good intentions, they still focus on too different (purple), too entertaining or too marginal, radical ideas. This is the natural result of their desire to win an advertising award, because this types of works are concerned with artistic interaction-based elements rather than effecting the sales.

Some creative advertisers who are knowledgeable, but unfortunately without enough sales and marketing experience, they tend to ignore the fact their customers’ major concern is hot sales effect. However, it is seen that especially the developing, middle-tier companies can change their minds about doing this type of works during the next advertising campaign preparation process if they fail to meet the expectations. Therefore, building a bridge between the institution and the agency to make sure they both win at the end of the day is at utmost importance.



In active, or direct sales applications, a hot seller who works by presenting products is dealing with the potential customer directly. Both during the demonstrations and presentations, they exchange questions and answers in a sincere way. In this natural model, which remained the same for a hundred years, even if we put a screen (television, internet, newspapers, magazines) between the seller and the customer; this question and answer process never changes.

But this time, the customers’ answers lie in their subconscious. Unfortunately, since many agencies don’t have this kind of active sales and marketing experience (or because they apply their limited experience to all of the departments); in the advertising projects they prepare they almost completely skip these question and answer interactions and focus on increasing the brand awareness or other artistic elements instead.

This shows that their priorities are in the wrong order because they try to start from the long-term effects. But a long-term success can be achieved only through the combination of short-term effects. Turquoise Marketing includes methods as simple as they’re fast and elicitable. The action and reaction ratio of an advertising project prepared accordingly and corporate branding process depending on the estimated increase effect in hot sales can be planned, gauged, restructured in accordance with the revision bearings, programmed, managed, audited and developed for the next period beforehand.

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